
CaptureProof Shines Among TechStars – One of the Chosen few for a Summer in the Windy City

Selected from a pool of over 9oo candidates – CaptureProof has made it to the final 10 startups invited to TechStars’ inaugural program in Chicago. For those of you who have never heard of TechStars, it is a three-month accelerator program giving entrepreneurs access to to a national network of mentors and investors. and investment in their company. This intensive summer program concludes with the annual “Demo Day” on the 28th of August, at an event that allows companies to showcase their products by pitching to over 500 investors traveling in from across the company.

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This pool was over twice the size of last year’s applicant pool, making this the most competitive class the program has seen, further proving Chicago’s role as a leading destination for technology companies. CaptureProof is incredibly thrilled to have been selected in a class with names such as: HIPOM, Nexercise, Pathful, Peoplematics, Project Fixup, SimpleRelevance, SocialCrunch, Sqord, Inc., and TradingView.

“Based on our acceptance rate of just over 1 percent, it is tougher to get into TechStars Chicago than the world’s most prestigious universities,” said Troy Henikoff, managing director of TechStars Chicago. “The quality of this year’s class shows why TechStars Chicago stands apart as one of the nation’s premiere accelerator programs.”

For those of you who have heard of TechStars – you’ll know this is an amazing opportunity and is paving the road towards success for CaptureProof. Startups that go through TechStars seem to be bound for greatness- they have funded companies like SendGrid, Condition One, Kinvey, and Timehop, for starters. Of the 175 startups that have gone through TechStars, 90% of them are still up-and-running or have been acquired.

Did we mention that CaptureProof is most definitely going? For this San Francisco-based company, in two weeks it will be time to say hello to a summer in the Windy City. But don’t worry West Coast, we’ll be back long before the famed bitter winters kick in.



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