
Top 3 Reasons I’m Excited for SuperBones 2015

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As I get ready to board a plane – Las Vegas-bound to Superbones West  2015 – here is my top 3 list of things I’m most excited about over the next 3 days:

  1. Hearing from some of the leading doctors in the wound care space.
  1. Finding CaptureProof’s next big super-user. We’re at booth 19. Come check us out  — it could be you!

3. Talking to some of CaptureProof’ biggest supporters – Podiatrists. As a specialty, podiatrist know that the ability to track wounds over time is key to helping them take better care of their patients.

4. Interested to hear more about how maggots are used to treat wounds.

Check back for more updates from Superbones 2015.





Our 4 Top Sessions at ILoveAPIs: Digital Acceleration Conference

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This week, QA Lead at CaptureProof, Kevin Chang, drove down to San Jose (ok, maybe he already lives in the South Bay) to check out the ILoveAPIs conference. Check out his report back on the conference what he learned over those 3 days:

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Hi, I’m Kevin  —  and I’m the QA Lead at CaptureProof. I spent the past few days at the ILoveAPIs – Digital Acceleration Conference. It’s the world’s largest networking and training event dedicated to APIs and digital business with three forums dedicated to developers, IT experts, and strategists. It was a great event – and for those who couldn’t be there, here’s a recap of my  4 favorite sessions:

1. Getting &*IT Done Apply agile, test-driven techniques to delivering on your API initiative


This was an interesting talk with Target and Swisscom about their API development programs the initial struggle to get it started. Both companies saw the benefits from switching to APIs from point-to-point integrations as it provided a way to scale. Also with APIs, both companies were able to have data consistency across their platforms as well as see more opportunity for innovation.


2. Protecting Your APIs from Mobile Threats – Beyond OAuth and API Security

This was great session lead by Subra Kumaraswamy from Apigee and Caleb Sima from Bluebox where they talked about types of attacks and what are best practices to prevent attacks from succeeding. A lot of companies have prevention methods on their web platforms but often times the mobile platforms are overlooked.


3. High Performance Climb Innovating While Moving Fast

This was probably my favorite panel of the whole conference. John Foley talked about his journey to and flying as a Blue Angel and how to reach high levels of performance. Belief, he said, is the most important factor when a company is trying to perform well. Only when employees believe in the value the 20151013_144138company is trying to provide will high level of performance be obtained. The timing of this presentation could not have been better as Fleet Week had just wrapped up the previous weekend. 

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4. How Hyperconnected Consumers Are Transforming Healthcare

“People check their mobile phones on average of 150 times a day”.  A panel of speakers from different healthcare companies shared their experiences and anecdotes of how technology was and is connecting consumers and transforming healthcare. Some companies talked about their approach being to empower the patients first, which in turn will empower the providers. While others suggested the reverse – putting the providers first.

Overall ILoveAPIs was a great conference. I’m looking forward to next year already!


The Recap: Week 2 of Conference Hopping


CaptureProof was at not one, but two conferences in one week! This is our second, 2-conference-a week – that means 4 conferences in 14 days – a CaptureProof PR!  But enough math – check out our quick, 5-photo conference recap:

  1. This week our Chief Medical Officer Rishi Madhok, MD attended Health 2.0 . While there, he checked out a number of interesting panels.


2. Rishi also gave a CP Demo during a breakout session called:  Create, Share, Like: Care Delivery Platforms for Provider Media. Needless to say – he did a pretty great job demoing CaptureProof and showing how we are optimizing healthcare in just a few taps/clicks.

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3.  Rishi even ran into U.S. Surgeon General, Vivek Murthy, giving an interview.


Next, was NCS, the Neurocritical Care Society’s 13th Annual Meeting. This year meeting’s theme was “Back to the Future.”  Its focus is looking  at where the art of neurocritical care has been, and how research and practice is progressing for the future.

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4. The morning sessions on Thursday covered the results of the PRINCE study and Acute Neurology Mobile Stroke. Later in the afternoon the  SNIS, Guidelines and NCC Special Populations sessions were concurrent with workshops – there were a lot of workshops to choose from!


5. Today, Friday –  the Eurotherm Trial and the GAMES Study were presented, followed by Nursing, Pediatrics and SNACC sessions and workshops in the afternoon.


We’re looking forward to catching up with everyone we’ve met at all of these conferences. Next one up is Exponential Medicine 2015 in sunny San Diego! Let us know if you’ll be there.


CaptureProof on Stage at Health 2.0


Keeping with this year’s theme of Big Names, Big Issues, and Big solutions – CaptureProof’s Chief Medical Officer, Rishi Madhok, MD will be on stage at Health 2.0 for a live demo of CaptureProof tomorrow at 1PM PST (Ballroom A if you’re there). He’ll be taking part in a panel called: BREAKOUT: Create, Share, Like: Care Delivery Platforms for Provider Media – alongside other companies like Medable, Trice Imaging, Inc, TokBox, and Open Health Networks.  There’s no live stream – but be sure to check back here for our coverage.

Health 2.0’s Annual Fall Conference aims to examine on how another year has impacted and changed healthcare technology. This has been a big year for CaptureProof and we’re excited for Rishi to show off our features which are optimizing practices around the globe in over 32 subspecialties.


The Recap: #UHCAdvance and the StartUp Challenge

If you’re one of our regular readers you’ll know that today: CaptureProof CEO, Meghan Conroy, was invited to serve on the Judges Panel at the UHC Startup Challenge: Innovation Delivered. As the winners of last year’s competition – UHC invited us back to ask this year’s contestants the tough questions.

At CaptureProof – we’re all about show-and-tell — so check out how the event unfolded below.

Congrats to Winners: Gauss Surgical!

Companies gave their 7 minute pitches on stage.

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Once they gave their pitch – judges put competitors to task, asking them the tough questions!

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Audience votes – who will be this year’s winner? 

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Gauss Surgical FTW!

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Thanks to @UHC for hosting a great conference and inviting us to be a part of an this exciting competition. Take away: the future of healthtech is bright!

Congratulations to all the competitors for their engaging pitches and promising new technology: @wellframe  @augmedix @gausssurgical  @binaryfountain @VitalScore .