
The Recap: Week 2 of Conference Hopping


CaptureProof was at not one, but two conferences in one week! This is our second, 2-conference-a week – that means 4 conferences in 14 days – a CaptureProof PR!  But enough math – check out our quick, 5-photo conference recap:

  1. This week our Chief Medical Officer Rishi Madhok, MD attended Health 2.0 . While there, he checked out a number of interesting panels.


2. Rishi also gave a CP Demo during a breakout session called:  Create, Share, Like: Care Delivery Platforms for Provider Media. Needless to say – he did a pretty great job demoing CaptureProof and showing how we are optimizing healthcare in just a few taps/clicks.

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3.  Rishi even ran into U.S. Surgeon General, Vivek Murthy, giving an interview.


Next, was NCS, the Neurocritical Care Society’s 13th Annual Meeting. This year meeting’s theme was “Back to the Future.”  Its focus is looking  at where the art of neurocritical care has been, and how research and practice is progressing for the future.

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4. The morning sessions on Thursday covered the results of the PRINCE study and Acute Neurology Mobile Stroke. Later in the afternoon the  SNIS, Guidelines and NCC Special Populations sessions were concurrent with workshops – there were a lot of workshops to choose from!


5. Today, Friday –  the Eurotherm Trial and the GAMES Study were presented, followed by Nursing, Pediatrics and SNACC sessions and workshops in the afternoon.


We’re looking forward to catching up with everyone we’ve met at all of these conferences. Next one up is Exponential Medicine 2015 in sunny San Diego! Let us know if you’ll be there.


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